<Gallery Western>
Gallery Western is located at the center of Los Angeles, and its doors have been opened to the community for the past two years. Gallery Western represents enterprising pieces from international artists of various cultures. Because art is constantly evolving, galleries are now required to adapt to these changes and commit to the advancement of art itself. The goal of Gallery Western is to remain as a cultural bridge to all those who have a passion for art, and its purpose is remain as a kind of Mecca, a sanctuary of respect and integrity, where various communities can come together in order to share, explore, and exchange new ideas. The gallery will display paintings, sculptures, ceramics, and photographs from different parts of the world in a single location. It will remain as a venue of relaxation to all those who visit, offering the ability to unwind, enjoy, and appreciate art.
Chong Hee Lee
Director of Gallery Western
Since 2008 , we have had the privilege of working with both world renowned and up and coming artists from around the globe. We are grateful to have a community of amazing artists and wonderful collectors. We look forward to serving our community with more exhibitions and events for many more years to come.

Gallery Floor Plan
Gallery Floor plan. Our main site is on 2nd Floor. Please call us or leave us message if you have any questions about our gallery.